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IsoTherming® Catalysts

IsoTherming® Catalysts for Maximum Efficiency and Performance

The IsoTherming® catalyst portfolio for the refining industry is based on best in class industry standards in terms of shapes, sizes, and metal formulations. Our research and development program focuses on optimizing the activity, pressure drop, hardness and service life of our catalysts for every type of application. Elessent Clean Technologies offers performance guarantees for the IsoTherming® technology based upon a comprehensive IsoTherming® catalyst suite of guard, grading, hydrotreatinghydrocracking, and dewaxing solutions. Designed to offer maximum reliability and durability as well as boost efficiency, our high-performance IsoTherming® catalysts are currently operating in units worldwide in services that include distillate, gasoil and transmix hydrotreating.

Enhanced Catalyst Life

Within a liquid-full reactor, the IsoTherming® technology ensures the catalyst is completely wetted, thus drawing the heat of reaction away from the catalyst surface and minimizing local hot spots. In addition, evenly distributed liquid flow throughout the catalyst bed results in a uniform radial temperature profile. The liquid flow regime within the reactor, furthermore, minimizes light ends generation and catalyst deactivation due to reduced coke formation.

Trickle Bed Flow Regime

IsoTherming® Reactor Flow Regime

Minimization of cracking reactions minimizes coke deposition on the catalyst, often a limiting factor in catalyst life. Increased thermal mass and complete surface wetting also aid in extending catalyst life.

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