美国密苏里州切斯特菲尔德,2022 年 1 月 3 日 - 由 BroadPeak Global LP("BroadPeak")、Asia Green Fund("AGF")和沙特阿拉伯工业投资公司("Dussur")(统称 "集团")组成的国际私募股权财团于 2021 年 12 月 31 日完成了收购杜邦公司("杜邦")(纽约证券交易所股票代码:DD)清洁技术业务的交易。
The new, independent company has been named Elessent Clean Technologies (“Elessent”) and is a global leader in process technologies to drive sustainability and carbon neutrality in the metal, fertilizer, chemical and oil refining industries. Elessent retains exclusive rights to the technologies, expertise, products, and services to which these industries have grown accustomed from the Clean Technologies business over the years, including: MECS® sulfuric acid and environmental technologies, BELCO® scrubbing technologies, STRATCO® alkylation technology and IsoTherming® hydroprocessing technology.
"Elessent首席执行官Eli Ben-Shoshan表示:"我们对作为一家独立公司的未来发展感到非常兴奋,集团强大的全球专业知识将加速我们的使命,即提供客户所需的技术和量身定制的解决方案,从而更高效地为全球生产更清洁的产品。
Elessent 源自 "元素 "和 "基本 "两个词,每天帮助客户生产、优化或分离基本元素。从生产无碳能源到为金属和化肥行业生产硫酸,从去除精炼油产品中的硫磺到空气污染控制,Elessent 为传统工业流程提供清洁替代方案,最大限度地减少对环境的影响,同时使我们的客户能够生产对日常生活至关重要的基本元素。
关于 Elessent 清洁技术公司
Elessent Clean Technologies is a global leader in process technologies to drive sustainability and carbon neutrality in the metal, fertilizer, chemical and oil refining industries with an unwavering commitment to customer support. We provide extensive global expertise across our portfolio of offerings in key applications – MECS® sulfuric acid production, STRATCO® alkylation, BELCO® wet scrubbing and IsoTherming® hydroprocessing. Offering critical process equipment, products, technology and services, we enable an array of industrial markets, including phosphate fertilizer, non-ferrous metals, oil refining, petrochemicals and chemicals, to minimize their environmental impact and optimize productivity. We are dedicated to helping our customers produce high-quality products used in everyday life in the safest, most environmentally-sound way possible, with a vision to make the world a better place by creating clean alternatives to traditional industrial processes. Learn more at www.ElessentCT.com
关于 BroadPeak Global
BroadPeak Global LP(以下简称 "BroadPeak Global")是一家独立的私募股权投资公司,致力于全球工业、材料和化工行业的机会性收购和特殊情况交易。BroadPeak Global 的联合创始人斯蒂芬-托伊(Stephen Toy)和纳迪姆-库雷希(Nadim Qureshi)曾在 Invesco Private Capital 和 WL Ross & Co.BroadPeak Global 总部位于纽约市。了解更多信息,请访问 broadpeakglobal.com
亚洲绿色基金(简称 "AGF")是一家私募股权投资公司,管理着约 10 亿美元的资产,专注于工业和商业服务领域,重点关注技术驱动的绿色影响力投资。AGF 成立于 2016 年,是亚洲影响力投资的先驱,支持优秀的企业家和管理团队将创新技术商业化,并采用本地化的商业模式,从而为投资者带来有吸引力的财务回报,并对社会产生积极的环境、社会和公司治理影响。了解更多信息,请访问 asiagreenfund.com
沙特阿拉伯工业投资公司("Dussur")是一家战略性工业投资公司,与世界一流的专家合作组建最先进的合资企业,包括工业领域的并购。杜苏尔执行地区和国际工业投资,为合作伙伴和股东创造价值。了解更多信息,请访问 dussur.com