
杜邦清洁技术将在 2019 年硫磺展上介绍排放控制、硫酸厂扩建和优化技术

杜邦清洁技术将在 2019 年硫磺展上介绍排放控制、硫酸厂扩建和优化技术


杜邦清洁技术将在 2019 年硫磺展上介绍排放控制、硫酸厂扩建和优化技术

DuPont Clean Technologies (DuPont), the supplier of world-leading MECS® sulphuric acid plant engineering, processes, energy recovery and environmental technologies, will be focusing on topics that are of critical importance to members of the sulphuric acid industry at this year’s Sulphur 2019 conference: the future-proofing of emissions management, as well as plant expansion and optimization. Delegates at CRU’s Sulphur & Sulphuric Acid Conference 2019 are gathering in Houston from Nov. 5-7, 2019, to discuss the latest industry developments and find answers to the challenges they face.

杜邦清洁技术公司总裁 Eli Ben-Shoshan 将在会议开幕当天参加有关排放管理的小组讨论。"工业对环境的影响是我们所有人都需要解决的问题,"Ben-Shoshan 说。"所有行业都面临压力,需要考虑如何进一步限制其足迹。我们需要研究如何利用先进的排放控制技术来保证未来的运营。

In a workshop on Day 2 of the conference, CRU Technical Adviser and MECS® Global Licensing & Technical Manager Garrett Palmquist will discuss heat recovery from acid plants in a specialist panel event. This session on Wednesday, Nov. 6, will consider engineering, operation and maintenance of heat recovery systems and the merits of different approaches that are designed not only to recover energy, but also to reduce corrosion and mist generation.

11 月 7 日星期四的另一场演讲将重点介绍利用气体采样优化硫酸厂催化反应器的性能以及创新型高性能催化剂的选择。

Later the same day a paper, presented by Evan Uchaker and Steven Ziebold of DuPont Clean Technologies, will highlight a debottlenecking solution for capacity expansion. This presentation also marks 60 years since the introduction of Brink® mist eliminators, a revolution in the capture of submicron mist particles from vapor that has been used successfully in thousands of installations worldwide.

"杜邦清洁技术公司再次成为 CRU 硫磺和硫酸会议的金牌赞助商,因为我们认为该会议是业界共同讨论和解决排放和工厂性能问题的平台,"杜邦清洁技术公司酸和洗涤技术全球业务经理 Kirk Schall 说。"杜邦清洁技术公司酸和洗涤技术部全球业务经理 Kirk Schall 说:"作为一家为行业服务超过 90 年的公司,我们对行业需求非常敏感,并热衷于充分利用这样的机会来讨论和推动有利于我们的客户、客户周围社区和整个环境的发展。

Serving the phosphate fertilizer, oil and gas, chemical and nonferrous metals industries, the MECS® sulphuric acid technology encompasses engineering design, services and high-performance products. MECS® technologies feature breakthrough solutions, many of which have revolutionized performance, quality and cost-effectiveness, such as MECS® heat recovery systems (HRS™), MECS® SolvR® and MECS® MAX3™. Integrated into the MECS® sulphuric acid technology are proven and reliable specialty products specifically designed for this demanding operating environment such as acid catalysts, Brink® mist eliminators, DynaWave® scrubbers, ZeCor® corrosion resistant alloy products, and acid coolers.

For further information on MECS® technologies, processes and services, please visit http://www.mecs.dupont.com.


The Clean Technologies division of DuPont is a global leader in process technology licensing and engineering, offering critical process equipment, products and services that enable an array of industrial markets, including phosphate fertilizer, nonferrous metals, oil refining, petrochemicals and chemicals, to minimize their environmental impact. We provide extensive global expertise across our portfolio of offerings in key applications – MECS® sulphuric acid production, STRATCO® alkylation, BELCO® wet scrubbing, and IsoTherming® hydroprocessing. We are dedicated to helping our customers produce high-quality products used in everyday life in the safest, most environmentally sound way possible, with a vision to make the world a better place by creating clean alternatives to traditional industrial processes. We make everyday life better, safer, cleaner. To learn more about the Clean Technologies division, please visit http://www.cleantechnologies.dupont.com.


杜邦公司(纽约证券交易所代码:DD)是全球创新领导者,其技术材料、配料和解决方案有助于改变各行各业和日常生活。我们的员工运用各种科学和专业知识,帮助客户推进其最佳创意,并在电子、运输、建筑、水、健康与保健、食品和工人安全等关键市场提供重要的创新产品。更多信息,请访问 http://www.dupont.com.