
杜邦清洁技术公司提高全球 MECS® 催化剂价格

杜邦清洁技术公司提高全球 MECS® 催化剂价格


杜邦清洁技术公司提高全球 MECS® 催化剂价格

WILMINGTON, Del., Aug 3, 2021 – DuPont Clean Technologies (DuPont) has announced a global price increase of $0.30 / liter for its MECS® sulfuric acid catalyst products. Subject to the terms of applicable contracts, the new pricing will take effect immediately. The sulfuric acid industry has been relying on high-performance MECS® Catalyst products since 1915 to convert sulfur dioxide (SO2)转化为三氧化硫(SO3)可靠而经济。作为硫酸工艺技术和催化剂生产领域的全球领导者,杜邦为世界各地的硫酸生产商提供高质量的催化剂,以提高工厂产能,提高效率,同时减少二氧化硫排放。2 排放。
