




杜邦清洁技术公司(杜邦)今天宣布 丹格特炼油有限公司(丹格特) 尼日利亚丹格特公司委托杜邦公司提供一系列先进的专有设备,用于在尼日利亚首都拉各斯附近的莱基(Lekki)建造一座新的炼油厂。新炼油厂的建设是提高尼日利亚全国炼油厂产量战略的一部分,杜邦的创新技术将使 Dangote 能够最大限度地提高质量和盈利能力,同时最大限度地减少对环境的影响。新炼油厂将成为世界上最大的单线炼油厂,该综合体还将包括一个石化厂、一个化肥厂和一个海底管道项目。

DuPont will be supplying Dangote with proprietary equipment for STRATCO® alkylation unit, MECS® sulfuric acid regeneration (SAR) unit, MECS® DynaWave® sulfur recovery unit (SRU) tail gas scrubbing, and BELCO® EDV® fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) stack scrubbing that will help Dangote meet gasoline pool octane and emissions requirements.

"杜邦清洁技术公司全球业务主管 Eli Ben-Shoshan 表示:"我们很高兴能为 Dangote 的项目提供支持,该项目对尼日利亚创造经济增长和机遇至关重要。"我们的目标始终是让我们的客户能够在具有成本效益的技术和服务的帮助下,轻松高效地实现其排放目标,为他们提供价值和灵活性,同时最大限度地减少对环境的影响。

新的 27,000 bpsd(1,060 kmta)烷基化装置和 260 mtpd SAR 装置将使该工厂能够生产高辛烷值、低硫、低 RVP 的烷基化产品,并且不含烯烃。设计符合颗粒物和二氧化硫的世界标准。x emissions, the DynaWave® wet gas scrubber will ensure full-time compliance with emissions regulations on both 115 ton per day SRUs, and the BELCO® EDV® wet gas scrubber will reduce the stack emissions from the FCCU as well as provide a purge treatment to condition the scrubber effluent. Both of the SRUs and the FCCU are supplied by other licensors.

尽管 2015 年尼日利亚的原油产量为 2.12 百万桶/天(1),但由于国内炼油能力较低,人均 0.002 桶/天(3),因此国内消费的成品油 80% 传统上依靠进口(2)。新炼油厂的产能为 65 万桶/日,计划于 2019 年第四季度完工,将提高尼日利亚国内有限的炼油产量。

Licensed and designed by DuPont, the STRATCO® alkylation technology is the established global leader in the industry with over 90 units licensed worldwide and more than 850,000 bpsd (33,300 kmta) of installed capacity. For over 80 years, the STRATCO® technology has helped refineries safely to produce cleaner-burning fuel with high octane, low RVP, low sulfur and zero olefins.

Also, licensed and designed by DuPont, the MECS® SAR technology is the leading technology for sulfuric acid regeneration in the market. This reliable, dry gas technology produces the desired 99.2 wt% sulfuric acid strength for optimum alkylation unit performance. Reliability and on-stream time are the most important considerations when selecting an SAR technology. The MECS® SAR units are designed for a high on-stream time to avoid disrupting the alkylation unit’s operation and production schedule.

The MECS® DynaWave® and BELCO® EDV® scrubbing technologies are leading refinery scrubbing technologies, also licensed and designed by DuPont. They offer ultimate emission control reliability and continuous operation to the new Dangote refinery.

The DuPont Clean Technologies division applies real-world experience, history of innovation, problem-solving success, and strong brands to help organizations operate safely and with the highest level of performance, reliability, energy efficiency and environmental integrity. The Clean Technologies portfolio includes STRATCO® alkylation technology for production of clean, high-octane gasoline; IsoTherming® hydroprocessing technology for desulfurization of motor fuels; MECS® sulfuric acid production and regeneration technologies; BELCO® air quality control systems for FCC flue gas scrubbing and other refinery scrubbing applications; MECS® DynaWave® technology for sulfur recovery and tail gas-treating solutions; and a comprehensive suite of aftermarket service and solutions offerings. Learn more about DuPont Clean Technologies at http://www.cleantechnologies.dupont.com.

杜邦公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码:DD)自 1802 年以来一直以创新产品、材料和服务的形式为全球市场带来世界一流的科学和工程技术。公司相信,通过与客户、政府、非政府组织和思想领袖的合作,我们可以帮助找到应对全球挑战的解决方案,例如为世界各地的人们提供足够的健康食品、有效利用化石燃料以及保护生命和环境。有关杜邦及其包容性创新承诺的更多信息,请访问 http://www.dupont.com.