
中海油惠州石化利用 IsoTherming® 实现国六柴油目标

中海油惠州石化利用 IsoTherming® 实现国六柴油目标


中海油惠州石化利用 IsoTherming® 实现国六柴油目标

杜邦清洁技术很高兴地宣布,中海油惠州石化有限公司在其位于中国广东的惠州炼油厂成功进行了340万吨/年IsoTherming®柴油加氢(DHT)装置的性能测试。中海油于 2018 年第三季度完成了 IsoTherming® DHT 装置在 100% 负荷下的校准,系统满足所有设计要求和产品质量目标。2018 年早些时候,该炼油厂还成功启动了一套 260 万吨/年 IsoTherming® 真空瓦斯油(VGO)加氢装置。

 “The DuPont IsoTherming® liquid phase hydrogenation technology is outstanding in terms of energy savings,” said Mr Chen Chun, Chief Engineer of the CNOOC Refining and Marketing Division. “Huizhou’s 3.4 million tons/year diesel liquid phase hydrogenation unit consumes only 4.33 kg of oil equivalent (EO) / t of raw materials, far lower than the traditional trickle bed unit energy consumption.”

The IsoTherming® technology uses the reactor effluent as a liquid recycle stream rather than a recycle gas system to deliver the hydrogen required for chemical reactions.  This advanced technology eliminates the need for a costly recycle gas compressor, high pressure amine absorber and downstream high pressure separation equipment, thus significantly reducing the capital cost for the unit.  With the application of the recycle pump and the efficient use of the available heat from the reactor effluent, the unit operates with a significant reduction in operating costs as compared to conventional hydroprocessing technology. 

With a total installed capacity of 440,000 bpd (Phase I and Phase II), the CNOOC refinery, whose Phase II project went into operation in September 2017, has already previously invested in technology from DuPont Clean Technologies. This latest development follows the installation of emissions lowering technology provided by the BELCO® wet scrubbing catalytic cracking flue gas desulfurization technology, licensed by DuPont Clean Technologies, for two sets of fluid catalytic cracking flue gas dedusting units (FCCUs). The first is a 1.2 million tons/year FCCU while the second has a capacity of 4.8 million tons/year FCCU. The CNOOC Huizhou refinery also contains a 160 kmta alkylation unit utilizing the STRATCO® alkylation technology, also under license from DuPont Clean Technologies, to convert low value isobutane and olefins into high value alkylate, a key ingredient for the production of clean gasoline.

杜邦清洁技术全球业务主管 Eli Ben-Shoshan 先生表示:"我们很高兴能为中国海油提供高效、经济的技术,使炼油厂在满足严格的质量和环境标准的同时,通过降低能耗和运营成本,以经济的方式满足对清洁运输燃料的需求。

 The IsoTherming® technology is commercially proven to process a wide range of feedstocks, from kerosene to gas oils, including 100 percent light cycle oil. The units are designed to provide refiners with a constant saving on utilities in the magnitude of 30-60 percent compared to trickle bed technologies and the potential of 30 percent capital cost savings or more. To date, DuPont has 26 IsoTherming® hydroprocessing technology licenses globally. The IsoTherming® hydroprocessing technology is commercially proven in 16 operational units with capacities ranging from 1,500 bpd to 80,000 bpd processing a diverse set of feedstocks.