
IsoTherming® 技术

IsoTherming® 技术

其核心原则是 IsoTherming® technology 这是因为该技术能够利用液流而非传统加氢处理技术中的循环气系统提供化学反应所需的氢气。反应器进料为饱和氢,因此无需使用昂贵的循环气压缩机、高压分离设备和胺吸收器。为满足反应器内的氢气需求,可通过外部液体循环流或床层间氢气喷射来补充氢气。

满液式反应堆运行的独特之处在于 IsoTherming® technology ensures the catalyst 完全润湿,从而将反应热从催化剂表面带走,最大限度地减少局部热点。此外,整个催化剂床层均匀的液流还能产生均匀的径向温度曲线。反应器内的液体流动机制减少了焦炭的形成,从而最大限度地减少了轻端生成和催化剂失活。

The type of hydroprocessing application, product specifications, and chemical hydrogen requirements dictate optimal reactor design considerations.  These include, but are not limited to, a number of catalyst beds and recycle ratio. The IsoTherming® reactor design is robust to ensure hydrogen availability from fluctuating feedstocks. This flexibility allows refiners the ability to process a wide variety of feeds to maximize refinery profits.

Elessent provides reactor internals specifically engineered and manufactured for the IsoTherming® technology as part of the proprietary equipment offering.
