
MECS® Sulfuric Acid Operator Training Simulator

MECS® Operator Training Simulators (OTS) and Solutions

操作员培训 MECS® sulfuric acid technologies:


但是,成本压力、员工流失以及 "潮一代退休潮 "的威胁,都要求企业找到新的方法,比以往任何时候都更快地培训和发展团队。运营团队必须在数年而不是数十年内将优秀的运营人员培养成卓越的运营人员。

为了帮助客户解决这一问题,Elessent Clean Technologies 开发了一套操作员培训模拟器 (OTS) 和操作员培训计划。与传统方法相比,我们利用世界一流的技术和拥有数十年工业经验的讲师,提供高影响力的培训,从而实现更快的技能发展、更好的长期技能保持和更深入的工艺理解。

Each product combines MECS® subject matter expertise with the Elessent world-class training and safety culture. Our training simulators are built on our proprietary dynamic simulator engine (TMODS™) and can be fully customized to match plant configuration, individual conditions, compositions, control schemes, safety interlocks and user interfaces. Each MECS® OTS product is:

MECS® OTS product

TMODS™ is a dynamic simulator engine, developed and used by Elessent since 1988 as a critical software tool to simulate processes and train operators on major product lines including Elessent™ Kapton®, Elessent™ Neoprene, Elessent™ Kevlar®, and Elessent™ Teflon®. TMODS™ is the most widely used process dynamics simulator in Elessent. It is supported by the process dynamics and control group in Elessent engineering research & technology. 

For further details on our MECS® operator training simulator sulfuric acid plants.