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MECS® Brink® Mist Eliminator Engineered Package Systems

MECS® Brink® Mist Eliminator Engineered Package Systems

Elessent Clean Technologies offers a range of MECS® Brink® mist eliminator package systems engineered for the efficient removal of particulates and mist from blue haze, visible plumes and effective control of other industrial emissions from the sulfuric acid industry.

They include systems for:

Oleum Vent Systems

Elessent Clean Technologies offers a fully engineered MECS® package system for controlling sulfur trioxide and sulfuric acid mist emissions from oleum storage tanks, tank trucks, railcars, and loading stations in the sulfuric acid industry. These units are available in flows of 100 to 1,500 cfm. The units hydrolyze sulfur trioxide vapor into sulfuric acid mist and use a high efficiency MECS® Brink® mist eliminator to remove the mist. Typically, customers with a storage tank vent problem will require a 100 CFM package. If there are multiple vent problems, such as several storage tanks at high rates, a 200, 500, or larger CFM package will be required. 

Where an oleum loading or unloading dock is involved, the package size is governed by the hood design, but a typical package would require a 200 or 500 CFM oleum vent package.   

Oil Mist Systems

MECS® oil mist systems are specifically designed efficiently and effectively to collect the submicron particles that cause blue haze or oil smoke in process related, and rotating equipment and pumps applications.    

Brink Fiber Bed 

These systems utilize MECS® Brink® fiber bed mist eliminator elements which achieve guaranteed collection efficiencies of up to 99.9%. We have been successfully removing organic mists from such operations for decades.

Small Packaged Oil Mist System 

Small Packaged Oil Mist System 

How They Work

Mist laden gas is drawn into the unit through a prefilter section to collect the larger particles. If cooling is required to condense the organic vapor, an optional finned tube heat exchanger section is available as part of the package. The gas then flows into the mist eliminator element housing which contains MECS® Brink® Brownian diffusion type fiber bed mist eliminator elements. The collected organic liquid drains into the bottom of the housing and is removed by a gravity drain or optional powered pump out.

Oil Mist-Process Related

Many industrial processes, such as plastic molding or asphalt coating of roofing materials, require high temperatures to be effective. Other processes generate heat through mechanical working and forming; oil lubricated aluminum rolling mills are a good example. As a result of this heat generation, hydrocarbon organics are released from the materials and process, quickly condensing into sub-micron aerosol clouds of “blue smoke”. Enclosures, hoods and ductwork are typically used to collect the sub-micron emissions, however stack venting without treatment causes persistent opacity and a dense visible plume.

The Brink® oil mist eliminator system is designed based on capture efficiency, flow rate, type of organic compound and pressure drop/energy efficiency. The units are delivered in pre-engineered and pre-tested assembled modules. Field module interconnects and installation is fast and easy using flange to flange assembly.



  • Plastic extrusion
  • Plastic film making
  • Injection molding
  • Curing ovens
  • Plastisol textile coating
  • Vinyl flooring
  • Vinyl fabric coating
  • Tenter frames
  • Draw texturizing
  • Roofing materials
  • Asphalt saturators
  • Aluminum rolling

Oil Mist-Rotating Equipment and Pumps

Cross section of a typical high speed gearbox 

How They Work

Brink® oil mist eliminator systems are highly efficient mist removal devices and offer integrated packages that are designed to control problems created by condensed machinery lubrication oils which form a “smoke” or “fog” when vented to ambient surroundings. Typically, these surroundings are enclosed rooms or compartments that house gear boxes, turbines, compressors, other high speed rotating equipment and vacuum pumps. The haze produced by the lubricating oils contains very small particles that should not be released into the atmosphere. 

Heat build up from energy transfer, friction and mechanical shearing causes lubrication oils to release hydrocarbon organics. These quickly condense into sub-micron aerosol clouds of smoke and oil mist. Typically, rotating equipment is vented to release the back pressure caused by the combination of oil mist generation and windage. Lacking a reliable and efficient removal device, these mists become airborne and respirable, and may be drawn into HVAC systems, other equipment air intakes, and they eventually coat confined infrastructure, equipment and walkways creating an unhealthy and unsafe workplace environment.   

Low flow – low pressure drop 
Brink® oil mist systems.  

Brink® oil mist eliminator systems deliver clean air for a safe and pure workplace environment in many types of industrial high speed rotating equipment and pumps, including these: 

Low Flow Systems 

  • Gear boxes 
  • Speed reducers 
  • Vacuum pumps 
  • Power transmissions 
  • Vent fog precipitators 

High Flow Systems 

  • Combustion turbine lube oil systems 
  • Steam turbine lube oil systems 
  • Natural gas pipeline compressors 

Asphalt Mist

Brink Asphalt Vent Package
Hot asphalt emits low density hydrocarbons which create a visible plume when they come into contact with cooler air. The resulting blue smoke, which contains submicron and larger liquid mist particles, can pose a health hazard, affect equipment and cause unpleasant odors if not cleaned with a suitable mist eliminator. MECS® has engineered a Brink® asphalt vent mist eliminator package that has proven successful in controlling particulate emissions for asphalt tank vent applications since 1972. 

The MECS® asphalt vent package is a skid mounted unit containing a prefilter section, a housing containing a Brink® mist eliminator element, and a blower with a motor. They are used to collect the very fine mist which causes visible plumes from asphalt loading and storage facilities.

On asphalt storage tanks, the displaced mist is captured in a collection hood over the tank vent. In loading operations, a collection hood mounted over the filling nozzle collects the mist. Several loading nozzle and storage tank hoods can be ducted to a single asphalt vent package. These packages are available in five sizes: 250, 500, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 CFM.

How It Works

The mist laden gas is drawn into the unit through a prefilter section. This prefilter collects the larger particles. The prefilter has an easily removable frame, which holds disposable filter media. From the prefilter, the gas is drawn through a vessel containing a Brink® mist eliminator element. This element traps and removes the submicron oil mist particles and the collected oils are drained from the bottom of the element. The clean gas exits from a stack on the fan discharge. The MECS® asphalt vent package will meet or exceed emission regulations for vent opacity associated with asphalt storage tanks and loading racks.  

Asphalt Vent AVP Drawing


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