The Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) awarded DuPont Clean Technologies (DuPont) the contract to supply the technology license, engineering and proprietary equipment for a MECS® DynaWave® wet gas scrubbing unit to be installed at its Taoyuan refinery in Taiwan in August 2015….
PRPC Refinery & Cracker to Install Three DuPont™ MECS® DynaWave® Scrubbers
DuPont™ MECS® DynaWave® technology, licensed by MECS, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of DuPont, has been selected by a major international oil and gas services provider for the installation of three custom-engineered scrubbing systems for sulphur dioxide removal at PRPC Refinery & Cracker Sdn. Bhd, a subsidiary of PETRONAS, the Malaysian National Oil Company. The DynaWave® units are set to be delivered to the company’s RAPID Project refinery in Pengerang, Southern Johor, Malaysia, before the end of the year for subsequent fitting.